Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I say TACO, You say, TACO. TACO! TACO! TACO!

They actually served me a BEEF taco. Not a fish taco. Not an Asian taco. A genuine, real, beef taco. At least I think it was real. Who knows what they pump into that stuff actually. But the point being is actually tasted like something normal. And I've missed Mexican food. Taco Bell is the closest I've gotten to the stuff.

Just another highlight for an otherwise great day. And nothing big happened which is sometimes the best part. It was just a good, happy day. I got my homework all done, my letters came, I bought a pair of awesome shoes for just six dollars. And Latino Club tonight! Wahoo! Favorite part of every week.

I think being away from home is definitely making me appreciate the smaller things. Like hugs and kisses on the forehead. Milk. A family movie collection. Kitchen utensils. Parents who drive me everywhere. Watching the seasons change. My gross, paint splattered sweat pants that my mother hates.

But today was such a happy day. And it's not over yet. I'm ready to dance it up.

"You're name isn't Rio but I don't care for sand and lighting the fuse might result in a bang, b-b-bang, go! Well I bet that you look good on the dance floor!"

Bailey Sue
MOOD: Joyful
SONG: I Bet that You Look Good On the Dance Floor by Arctic Monkeys

Monday, October 11, 2010

You Scored as You Were Born To Love

You Were Born To Love! You are very romantic and very passionate! Nothing is more important to you than the one you love. Your heart is very open, and love is life's biggest adventure as far as you're concerned. You are a guy/girl's dream partner, someone who will care for them and cherish their heart forever. you rock!

I Hate Filing Cabinets

I flipping hate being angry. Because once I'm angry about one thing, I'm suddenly angry about ten other things as well that somehow interconnect. Which just causes me to get even more frustrated with myself. Then I do and I don't want to talk the person I'm angry with. I want to fix things but I also want to make them feel really bad. I want to shout and spew but I can't. I say nasty things to my technological devices. Which conveniently have decided to stop working at this completely non-ideal time.

Boys minds are like filing cabinets. Everything is important and related but separate. Girl's minds are like a computer. Probably Windows Vista to be correct. They store everything. And if one thing is wrong with it, it affects everything else somehow.

Friday, October 8, 2010


There's this one kind of older popular song that I hate. I like the band. But I just really hate this song. Lips of an Angel by Hinder. The guy is talking to his ex with his girlfriend in the other room and saying how he wishes she was here and blablablabla. I used to love it. And when I'd listen to it, I'd get all romantic and fanciful. And then one day, I really listened to it and I thought "Oh my gosh. What if I was that girl in the other room?" I mean imagine what she would feel like if she did overhear this conversation. And what a terrible thing to be doing behind her back, lying and keeping secrets from her. Or the ex's new boyfriend. What about him?

How freaking selfish and dishonest.

One of my neighbors was blasting it yesterday and I was basically fuming as I sat in my room.

I think loyalty is the quality I value most in people.

Monday, October 4, 2010

With the Sun in Your Eyes

I've strongly realized over the past month that I'm not over certain things. I don't have closure for them. But I really wish I did because I don't like how when I think about these events, immediately I feel angry or hurt. I want to be ok with it. But I've also realized I'm not sure how to forgive people either. What exactly needs to be done? Is there any real way or process? Or do you just have to wait for the hurt to go away? Because I don't really hold grudges or anything over little things and I've gotten over serious situations before. But for those, it was always time that did it. Not me or them.

You's really sad when you look at someone who you thought would always have your back and realize you can't trust them anymore. That the person you'd call best friend, you don't even know anymore. Somehow your greatest comrades disappeared on you, sometimes when you needed them the most.

Yeah this is kind of a serious post. There's no cause for concern to my family reading or anyone else. I've just been thinking about this lately.

I heard a quote once that said, "Every person has a best friend through every stage of life. But only a few lucky individuals have the same one."

To those who have moved on, come and go, it's a real shame. But I guess life goes on and we have other purposes that need us elsewhere. Maybe we ended well and maybe we didn't. I'm sorry if we didn't and try not to judge me too harshly and I know I'll do the same for you. But I'm sure we've learned some lesson from each other whether it be good or bad.

As for the ones who have stayed. Thank you to all my friends who have stuck with me through my happy times and more often than not my sad ones. I hope I've been as good of a support to you as you have to me and I appreciate it more than words can express. Your kindness is my strength when mine own isn't enough.

And I really do feel quite blessed today. The most I've felt in a while. I know it's great to be alive. It's when I feel how I do right now that I have hope today and even greater esteem for tomorrow.

Bailey Sue
MOOD: Contemplative
SONG: Bedshaped by Keane

Friday, October 1, 2010


STEP ONE-Typical beginning of school Conversation

Possibly begins with something funny or witty but thereafter begins as follows.
RandomStranger: Hi I'm (insert name). What's your name?
Me: Oh hi. I'm Bailey. Where are you from?
RandomStranger: Oh I'm from (insert place-typically california, utah, etc). And you?
Me: Well I'm from Utah I guess.
RandomStranger: Oh really? Which part?
Me: Kind of by Provo. Most people don't know where it is.
RandomStranger: Oh Orem?
Me: No. Saratoga Springs.
RandomStranger: Yeah never heard of it.
Me: That's ok.
RandomStranger: So what's your major?
Me: Theatre.
RandomStranger: I didn't know we had a theatre major.
Me: We don't. I'll transfer later on.
RandomStranger: Well what do you want to do with that?
Me: Uh. Act?!
RandomStranger: So like plays and stuff?
Me: Yep. What about you?

And it keeps going for a good five minutes.
This establishes the relationship.

STEP TWO-Facebook Add

One of the parties goes and finds the other on Facebook. Don't worry. Using stalker-like methods are totally normal and sometimes necessary. Besides, everyone on Facebook is a stalker anyway.

Once the friend requests have been accepted, one party should write on the others wall to create conversation and keep a positive connection. Congratulations. You are now officially friends.

Not exactly necessary since you can have relationships exclusively online and can come before step three. But bonding in person is typically more meaningful and lasting. And usually a whole heck of a lot more fun!

waka waka

I share my bathroom stall with a spider. We've come to an agreement that if I don't squash him and let him go about his business then he'll stay in his corner and let me do mine.

I am terrified of spiders. It freaks me out that something that small can potentially kill you. Plus they're ugly and creepy and just plain scary looking. And the other day I saw the hugest spider I've ever seen in my life! I was running around for work, trying to find a room in the Stake Center. I turned a corner and there. Big, brown, and furry. They're called cane spiders and as it happens, the one I saw was relatively small in comparison to some, and that freaks me out too. Supposedly they're completely harmless. To humans anyway. I'd beg to differ if I were a gecko.

Speaking of work, first pay day today! Not too bad of a check considering I can only work 19 hours a week max at minimum wage. Makes me happy anyway! :D

Maybe I've climated to Hawaii a little too well. The temperature dropped today. It's probably 70-75. And I am freezing!!! I've turned the fan off and I'm in sweats and a big hoodie and still cold. Its stopped raining now but I still feel like going out in jeans and my rain coat. I'm like a lizard. I have to be kept warm.

*sticks tongue out*

-Bailey Sue
MOOD: Uncomfortable
SONG: Waka Waka by Shakira