Tuesday, January 18, 2011

*smacks head*

I hate it when people stand way to close to me. Especially when there is food involved. I went to dinner and was serving myself a bowl of pasta at the salad bar (a very healthy serving mind you) when this brunette girl who I had never seen before comes up right next to me to get some herself. Like no more than two inches away. Does that not that seriously put the pressure on? I feel all obligated to suddenly hurry up and get my food so I can get out of their way and do it gracefully so I don't make a mess and look like a complete idiot. Suddenly ladling a spoonful of whatever onto my plate is like a race against time itself and the patience of the person behind me.

But at the same time, it makes me kinda mad because I'm go (in my brain of course) "Uh hello, I was here first sister. You can wait you're turn. The pasta isn't going anywhere and trust me, you don't need it anyway!"

My friend told me she got in a fight with her boyfriend. When she told me what it was about, I couldn't help but laugh because I knew exactly what she meant. How you get into fights that really are just plain stupid but at the same time you mean them. And it's not because we don't love you or we're trying to make your life hard that we fight them but because we care so much. (It's cuz I love you dear if you're reading this =) )

She and her man had been fighting because she went to Hooters with her female friends but before she wouldn't go her boyfriend. And you know, I knew exactly where she was coming from. Of course you wouldn't want to go to Hooters with your boyfriend. I'm not going to deliberately take my man out to look at other women but if me and a bunch of girls go to Hooters it's not big deal because obviously we aren't going to be checking out the waitresses. And then I heard it argued that a boy would appreciate his girlfriend taking him to Hooters, like it would be treating him. What a waste of space. That's so freakin stupid. I don't want to be appreciated because I let you slobber over and oogle other women. I want you to appreciate me because I'm your loving, loyal girlfriend and have the decency to be loving and loyal back. Ugh boys. Seriously stop acting like dicks and grow up and act like men.

Excuse my language but there was no other way to say it. It's been a big topic with me lately. I'm sure you'll hear all about it.


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