Monday, January 17, 2011

Back From the Depths of the Unmotivated

It's funny how we're so excited to start things like this blog for instance. We begin so diligently, posting every couple of days. But then soon the interest fades and the posts begin to fizz out as my fairly uninteresting life continues on. But then we see or hear something and immediately that spark is somehow rekindled and we decide that we're going to try again now that our conviction is rekindled.

I just finished watching the film Julie and Julia, which follows the life of both Julia Child and a young woman named Julie who decides to cook all the recipes in Child's cookbook in one year, chronicling her culinary adventure in an online blog. I immediately felt connected with the character of Julie, who is married to wonderful guy (not married but love you dear) and works a mundane job day after day (Hello media services). She was once an aspiring writer but never finished any of her books (and hello to the many started novels and ideas sitting on my computer). Like Julie, I'm selfish, absorbed, and never quite finish anything I start to my own disappointment.

And like Julie I have this blog. And even though I quite honestly don't have anything cool to write about like her endeavors in the kitchen, I am once again trying to be more diligent about the things I start. So here's hopefully to a merry blogging experience and more posts to come. Party on.

Bailey Sue
MOOD: Inspired
SONG: The Journey by Sleeperstar

1 comment:

  1. Good morning...slug? slime?... guess you were born in the
    Moldy slug infested NW. Xo
